
7 Ways To Protect Your Garden From Animals And Pests

Are you finding random holes, bite marks and footprints around your garden? Sometimes, despite our best efforts, bugs and pests unforgivably make their way into our gardens. Mice, rats, and creepy crawlies are some of the most common offenders, of which just so happen to cause the most disruption.

Infestation is of course a major inconvenience, so it’s highly advised that you do your best to fight back against these unwanted visitors. If you’re struggling to claim back ownership of your beloved garden, keep reading as we talk you through the steps needed to regain your precious land.

How to keep animals out of your garden

Here are seven ways you can fight back against unwanted visitors to your garden.

1. Identify entry points

The very first step in combatting garden pests is to figure out how they’re getting access. Be sure to look for tiny footprints, droppings and even small nests, as these are all common indicators of a breach.

Animals (like mice and rats) tend to climb walls, whereas hedgehogs can dig and burrow their way under them. So, it helps to know exactly what type of threat you’re up against, as this ultimately informs the preventative measures you take.

2. Use furniture covers

Although this tip won’t specifically prevent animals and pests from entering your garden, it will help keep your garden furniture in tip-top shape.

Durability is especially important for furniture covers, as is weather resistance. Protective covers like ours are excellent at repelling scratches and droppings, while also doing a great job at defending against harsh weather. By covering your precious furniture from top to bottom, you can ensure that your furniture is protected against all sorts of damage.

3. Install defensive barriers

If you’ve spotted a hole or gap, your first port of call would be to cover it up, and quick. If left for long enough, these weaknesses can gradually get worse, to the point where some serious repair work is needed.

Rather than wait for the situation to get worse, it’s best to get ahead of the curve with some effective patchwork. Remember, just because a solution is quick, doesn’t mean it has to be sub-par. Barbed wire is often thought to be the most immediate answer, but the law surrounding such defensive measures is a little shaky in the UK. If you do choose such an option, try to ensure that it causes no unjust harm to innocent bystanders.

4. Plant natural deterrents

Although not the most visually pleasing of solutions, one key trick to subconsciously putting invaders off entering your garden would be to incorporate some deterrents. As we know, some plants are more attractive than others, so it helps to off-set this attractiveness with some less-than-desirable plants.

Specifically, herbs like thyme and yarrow are particularly off-putting, with their natural scents and appearance acting as somewhat of a threat towards badgers, hedgehogs, and rodents. Just be sure to account for the safety of the animals you do want to go into your garden, like cats and dogs, as some herbs can cause stomach upset.

Of course, it’s not just animals that may be interested in your beloved plants. If you’re wondering how to stop insects eating plant leaves, a good starting measure would be to cleanse leaves with a mixture of soap and water. If the infestation pursues, you could even go as far as incorporating an insecticide.

5. Noise prevention

Depending on how young your ears are, you’ll have probably encountered a dreaded high-pitch ringing device located in some front gardens. These devices act as excellent deterrents for wild animals, as they cause zero physical harm while still proving effective at keeping visitors at bay.

6. Use safe traps

Trapping animals is filled with ethical questions. Some consider it to be cruel, whereas others think of it as a chance to safely relocate animals back to their natural environments. Whatever your take, there are some safer ways to lure and trap animals with the hopes of sending them on their way, far from your precious lawn.

One such method would be to use a camouflaged cage with an automated closing mechanism. When your invader comes to visit, they will be enticed into the trap, before it closes behind them. This gives you the opportunity to transport them to your local animal rescue, or send them back into the wild yourself.

7. Remove affected plants

Animals tend to be drawn towards specific scents and visuals. Plants with striking colours are therefore more likely to be attacked than those that are camouflaged. Of course, it can be disheartening to see your beloved flowers nibbled in peak season. So, to give them a fighting chance, consider relocating them to more inaccessible locations such as on top of shelves, or maybe even indoors.

Unfortunately, this strategy can’t be applied to all your plants. In which case, there are still some other things you can do.

Why do animals keep coming into my garden?

The fact is, our gardens are somewhat of a utopia for animals. Well-kept grass and all sorts of different scents, it’s a sensory overload that is sure to pique their attention. Gardens with greenhouses or wild fruit and veg in particular are of the highest interest.

The primary cause for animal migration revolves around a lack of appropriate food sources in their own environment. When they can no longer find adequate food supplies, they will try to eat whatever they can, including your beloved plants.

Here are just a few ways that animals can enter our gardens:

• Gaps in fences
• Unsealed doors
• Scaling tall structures
• Random holes in grass

Breathe life into your garden, today

With your pest problems solved, you can focus your efforts on making your garden look as good as possible. Do exactly that with a furniture revamp from Kettler. We have garden sets of all sizes; all built with exceptional attention to detail. Explore your future garden furniture, today.